But of course the ideological Left refuses to acknowledge this...
Dr. Ryan Meili, a family physician in Saskatoon who is vice-chairman of Canadian Doctors For Medicare: “Wait times don’t get shorter when you introduced more delivery of
care outside of the public system, they get longer."
Uh...yeah, if you ignore all the evidence contrary to that statement. The whole point of the study was to show that introducing private options helped ease the burdens of public health-care in places like Europe and Australia.
Dr. Michael Rachlis, a health policy analyst associated with the
Canadian Health Coalition, a pro-universal-healthcare organization, said: “We do tend to wait too long but it has nothing to do with us having a
public system. It has a lot to do with how we organize services... We can eliminate virtually every wait time by better
Of course! Just like how Afghanistan can be a Western Democratic Utopia if we just throw more money at it. Or how the CBC can offer high-quality television if we just increase their budget by 500%.
The problem with wait-times are precisely because it is a public system. Better management depends on voluntary exchange, not forcing funds out of innocent people. The former organization leads to profit-and-loss, a sustainable and efficient allocation of resources. The latter leads to bureaucratic chaos. A system where, counter-intuitively, the more doctors we pump into the system, the longer the waiting lines get.
I wouldn't want an economist performing surgery on me. So I don't like doctors lecturing me about economics.
Read more: http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/10/28/canada-must-offer-private-options-along-with-universal-health-care-to-combat-long-wait-times-report/
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